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Read below about what drove Josh and Aiden to create this orchestra as well as what they have planned for the future.

is clear that a2. orchestra centres itself around a main core value; Opportunity.

Passion and conviction in providing colleagues with opportunity was the driving force behind the birth of a2. orchestra. As first year students at the time of creation, Josh and Aiden felt that they had found a niche in the music space within Perth, with there being only a small amount of other active, student-lead orchestras. They felt compelled by their passion and the talent of colleagues around them, that they could take ahold of their careers and professional development with their first concert, Cadenza.

Cadenza channeled the hunger for giving opportunity, featuring 5 of their colleagues playing solo works accompanied by a small chamber orchestra. From this first concert, interest and engagement had grown allowing them to turn their small idea into a large-scale project, spanning across year groups, faculties and institutions.

"Performance opportunities are essential for growth and improvement in musicians," Josh said, "which is why the top performing students of any institution are at the top...because performance opportunities are often given to them". This is something that a2. wants to change; they want to give all musicians opportunities to grow. While you can still expect a high level of execution from the orchestra, knowing that they are helping to grow the classical tertiary student music scene is something that they are striving toward.

Going into the future, a2. plans to continue this focus on opportunity, growth and education. "We want every musician to be able to take something away from every concert" said Aiden, "and we want to give the audience an experience to remember as well". While the orchestra is still in its beginning stages, they hope to grow and help to benefit the community as a whole.

a2. orchestra in soundcheck for "Triumph & Tragedy" - Photo by James Trimble

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