a2. orchestra team member Charlotte Greenway sat down and had a chat with pianist Andy Li, who will be performing in both of our upcoming concerts, “The American” and “Trout”. They talked about Andy’s beginnings as a pianist, his favourite piece in the next concert, and his rituals for before a performance.

Andy begun learning the piano aged 6 under the tutelage of his mother, who was one of the most highly esteemed and recognised piano teachers in her city Beihai in China. Andy moved to Perth in 2011 and was accepted into the Gifted and Talented (GAT) program to study at John Curtin College of the Arts.
Andy began his time at the University of Western Australian under the tutelage of Graeme Gilling, who is the current Head of Keyboard. Under Graeme’s guidance, Andy’s playing reached new heights as he won the Waveney Wansborough competition in two consecutive years in 2019 and 2020 and again 2022, as well as the Flora Bunnings Chamber Music Prize in 2020. He was also a Wesley Scholarship Recipient in 2021, and last year he won the VOSE Memorial Prize as well as the People's Choice Award with Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2, 3rd Movement. Having graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in the same year, Andy plans to pursue further Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) studies soon.
First of all, Charlotte asked Andy how he began learning his instrument and he said, “My mum was a piano teacher so I could not escape the piano playing life, even if I tried! Ultimately I ended up enjoying it more and more, and as time went on my mum put less and less pressure on me, so the interest and passion just developed naturally”.

Next Charlotte was keen to know Andy’s thoughts on the repertoire for our upcoming concert “The American”, and asked if he had any favourite pieces to which he replied, “I’m really looking forward to playing the Gershwin. I’ve always wanted to learn Rhapsody in Blue but never had the right opportunity to play it properly”.
When playing chamber music, it can sometimes be a challenge to balance personal ideas with the ideas of the people around you, as well as the composer’s ideas and intentions for the piece. Charlotte enquired with Andy about how he does this and he said, “I find that listening to a wide range of recordings of the pieces can help in finding a balance between your own ideas and the ideas of others. I will often note down some ideas or type of interpretations that I hear whilst listening to recordings, and then see if I can use these to inspire originality and personal creativity”.
Lastly, Charlotte wanted to know if Andy has any specific rituals or habits he does before going on stage. Andy replied, “for me there isn’t much to it asides from walking around in circles and taking deep breathes”.
We are delighted to have Andy perform with us in both of our upcoming concerts “The American” and “Trout”. Tickets for both concerts are selling fast, so be sure to book your tickets now to watch Andy perform.
Andy performing with a2. orchestra in "The American" - Photo by James Trimble